Sunday, December 19, 2010

Part two

It is the month of December and the year is almost over. A lot has changed this year, there has been a lot of ups and downs this year. I am defiantly a different person now then I was at the beginning of the year. I am more mature and think things through more now then I did before. I have grown as a person and find a side in me I didn't know I had in me. I found I am a very creative person, all through school I never thought I would do anything creative like paint, draw, photography, let alone hair. But I have found now that I want to create things I want to I want to do more things I've never done before, I want to inspire people. I feel like I haven't inspired anyone. I want people to look at me and say wow she's amazing. I can do anything when I set my mind to it. I have become a great cook and I can pretty much cook anything you hand me. I can now do any hair style I look at, I am so grateful that I have my sweet Brailey who is so good to let me practice on her, she loves having her hair done. I also found that I can paint very well too in fact. The more I do this the more I enjoy myself. Lately I find myself bored with t.v. and would rather pick up a book and read it, I can't even stay focused on a movie anymore let alone a t.v. show (except Gilmore Girls). I want to create, build, inspire, I want to be someone that can do anything I try. I tired of never amounting to anything in my eyes. I am going to be everything I can be and I want to surprise myself in the things that I do. So here's my pledge I am going to inspire people in this new year and see how far I go and how far my soul will take me.